Thursday, 19 February 2015

Know About Treatment Options For Canine Brain Tumors

Expert Canine tumors are prominently increasing among dogs and have become the major reason for their deaths. Like human beings, dog brain tumor arises in the brain nerves, brain tissue, and pituitary also known as pineal gland, meninges and outer skull. Primary canine brain tumors involve papilloma, meningioma, gliomas and adenocarcinoma. You may also find secondary dog brain tumors such as melanoma or mammary carcinoma which are metastatic in nature. If you dog is affected with any kind of tumor, ensure that you go for the best possible treatment option available.
Some treatment choices for canine tumor include chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery. In some cases, palliative therapy is used to cure the disease. For treating dog brain tumors, surgery is least considered. Tissues in the brains are unable to regenerate themselves and removing important brain parts could make the condition worse. Surgery is considered only when the canine tumor is obnoxious and requires composingthe brain healthily. 

Tumors in the brain stem are difficult to access and treat. Meningioma tumor is easily eliminated since it is present around the brain surface while gliomas tumor takes time to get cured as it is present deep in the brain nerves. The safest method of treating Canine tumors is radiation therapy. However, vets combine surgery and radiotherapy to get effective result. 

Radiotherapy arrests the growth of Canine tumors. The dose of performing radiation depends on the range and size of the tumor. Generally mild doses are given. Also, the dog needs to be abundantly healthy to endure the anesthesia that is given before any radiotherapy or surgery. If the tumor is large, first surgery is performed; decompressing the brain and then radiotherapy is performed. Another form of treatment is chemotherapy but is not very successful in dogs since the drugs have different reactions on different breeds of canines. Alkalizing agents like lomustine, temezolomide and carmustine are used while treating gliomas. 

Palliative therapy alleviates the inflammation and pain in the animal. Drug like corticosteroids is administered in the body of the dog to allay the symptoms. They help is swelling reduction and compress the pressure built due to tumor. Anti- seizure drugs like potassium bromide or Phenobarbital helps the dogs to cope up with the treatment. Not all the best Canine tumors are diagnosed early but can be absolutely cured if appropriate treatment is given at current time. 

If you find that your dog is behaving erratic or has weird patterns of behavior, weight loss and sudden apathy, maybe it is time to seek professional help from a vet. Timely intervention can ensure that your dog can be in remission soon, but if the cancer is in advanced stages, it might be difficult to save the dog. That is why if you see any different pattern of eating, walking or behavior, get it be a red flag.