Monday, 21 December 2015

Dealing With Challenging Canine Brain Tumors

If you have a canine pet, you should pray that you never have to deal with tumors in your pet. Some tumors can be dangerous and they can even take away the life of your pet. Canine Tumors can occur in different parts of the body, but the most dangerous one occurs in the brain. A tumor in the brain shows some special symptoms. In the initial stages these symptoms are manageable, but they often turn out to be incurable. In fact, it can be one of the saddest incidents your dog might have to go through.
Growth In The Brain: you consult your vet for the symptoms, he will explain you about the growth in the brain of your canine. However, it is important to note that Canine Tumors in the brain might not always be cancerous. These can often mean the growth of an abnormal tissue in the brain. It is often the result of the growth of brain cells within the brain and the membranes. The other might be a cancer, which might spread to the brain from some other parts in the body. Thus, if you notice signs that your dog isn’t acting normal or has stopped eating, dragging limbs or veering of course, chances are high that it has some issues in the brain and needs to be treated immediately. 

Affecting Each Area Differently:

Brain tumors can occur in the front, the back and the tube that leads to the brain. Different tumors can affect different parts of the brain in a different way. Based on the location of the Canine Tumors, the series of symptoms your dog show might vary. If your dog is above 5 years and have shown any neurological signs negatively, it might be the sign of a tumor. For instance, your dog might face frequent seizures, loss of balance, difficulty in swallowing, loss of sight or heating, difficulty in swallowing, opening and closing of eyes in a strange manner, etc. 

Subset of Behaviors:

Often, these neurological disorders might be easy to define as tumor. However, in some cases, there might be other subset of behaviors, due to which it might be difficult to connect to a tumor. These can include anything from loss of memories, onset of depression, decreased thirst and appetite, vomiting, loss of bladder control etc. Sometimes, your dog might also act in a way to show his pain or press his head against hard surfaces. However, these symptoms are not to be ignored, and you should definitely consult a vet at the earliest.

No Known Preventive Measures:

Unfortunately, there are no known measures of prevention for these tumors. They just happen by chance. Sometimes, the Canine Tumors might be there for a long time before the symptoms occur. This in turn might be further difficult for you to treat the condition at the right time. Such tumors grow slowly due to which the brain is in a position to adjust the negative symptoms. To read more Click Here

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Treatment Options You Should Be Aware of Regarding Dog Cancer

If your dog has been listless and has been rapidly losing weight, chances are that it can have a debilitating disease that needs immediate attention. And if your vet has diagnosed it as cancer, it is imminent that you are worried. Dogs or any other animal that you have kept as pet, becomes an object of your affection and any distress can be worrisome. cancer which your pet dog might have can be fatal. In lots of cases, dog owners seek medical help only after it is too late to save their dog. The reason for this is that symptoms might not be detected until disease becomes more advanced or chronic.

Unfortunately, as in humans,dogs are vulnerable to diseases like Dog Cancer; and as owner of dog, it becomes necessary for you to know about Dog Cancer symptoms so that you can easily detect any such symptoms in your dog early and get medical help immediately. Here are some common symptoms of cancer in dogs.

#    A lump on its body: If there is lump on your dog's body, it is time to consult your vet immediately. There are cases in which such swellings are not cancerous and just benign. You still cannot afford to take any chances when it comes to your pet's health. This is why you should consult your vet and get biopsy done immediately.
#    Weight loss: Another sign of Animal Cancer is that your pet dog may be losing weight rapidly despite healthy diet. This again is time to consult your vet without fail.
#    Improper eating habits: If you observe that your dog completely refuses to eat its food, you should get it checked thoroughly. A major threat in dogs is mouth cancer. The common signs which you should look for are extremely bad breath, bleeding of gums,and strange growth on gums.
#    Stiff limbs: Another major symptom of dog cancer is prolonged stiffness of limbs. You should not mistake it for arthritis or muscle pull. You must take your dog to vet immediately if you feel your dog is unable to move its limbs freely.

If your dog shows any of the Animal Cancer symptoms mentioned above, you should take him or her to vet immediately. On diagnosis if your vet confirms that your dog has cancer, you can do the following things:

*    Your vet is the best person to suggest course of treatment depending on how serious your dog is. You should ensure to do every thing that your vet says.
*    You should make it a point to provide your dog with healthy diet to ensure the immune system is properly supported.
*    After you have checked with your veterinarian, you could give your dog appropriate dose of natural health supplements which are beneficial for immune system support. These sorts of supplements contain medicinal herbs which are natural antioxidants, nature’s way of protecting cells. To read more Click Here

Monday, 26 October 2015

10 of The Common Dog Cancer Treatments

Like us people, dogs also get cancer. They have a 1: 4 chance of developing cancer. A lot of Dog Cancer treatments are available these days. There are many treatments which are the same as that of the human treatments for cancer. The treatment for dog cancer includes:
•    Acupuncture
•    Behaviour modification
•    Chemotherapy
•    Cryosurgery (freezing)
•    Homeo-therapy
•    Hyperthermia (heating)
•    Immunotherapy
•    Massage therapy
•    Nutrition therapy
•    Radiation
•    Surgery

Your dog will respond quickly to the Dog Cancer treatments. They will also not have any severe reactions to radiation therapy and chemotherapy as the people do. They will also not have to take the treatment for a longer duration of time as the humans as do. The reason for this is that the Animal Cancer treatments are localized for a specific cancer; they are not widespread as it is for people.

The causes for Animal Cancer have not all been identified. However, exposure to the following substances has been known to cause cancer:

1    Air pollution
2    Certain viruses
3    Chemical additives and preservatives in food
4    Genes/improper breeding
5    Herbicides
6    Hormones
7    Insecticides
8    Over/unnecessary vaccinations
9    Radiation exposure
10    Second-hand smoke
11    Sunlight

Below we have outlined some of the most common dog cancer treatments:

a    Acupuncture strengthens the dog's immune system so it can attack the cancer.
b    Chemotherapy makes use of drugs to specifically target cancer cells.
c    Chiropractic care lays stress on the spine, bones, vertebrae and joints and their alignment in the body.
d    Cryosurgery is a treatment which is the freezing the tumour during surgery. After this, the tumour is removed.
e    Home therapy is a sort of a cancer treatment that includes exercise, diet and stress relief for your dog. Specialist veterinarians are there that have been trained specifically in homeopathic medicine.
f    Immunotherapy makes use of a tumour vaccine to target tumours.
g    Massage therapy helps in relieving stress for your dog.
h    Nutrition therapy uses whole, raw and non-processed foods that allow the dog to get the maximum nutritional benefits.
i    Radiation therapy utilizes penetrating beams of radiation to kill the cancer cells so as to prevent it from multiplying.
j    With surgical treatment the tumour or a limb is removed as in amputation.

When you take proper care as well as the correct dog cancer treatment, your dog will be able to live for several months after the diagnosis of cancer. It will be your decision as well as the decision of your veterinarian whether the treatment is feasible for your pet. The life of your pet could be extended by a few years provided that cancer has not metastasized. If it has then your pet will not live very long. What’s more any sort of a treatment will make him uncomfortable during his last days. To read more Click Here

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

All About Pet Insurance And Animal Cancer

When you find that your beloved pet dog has cancer, it will be just as difficult as it were a friend or family member despite the fact that you have pet insurance.In such cases, professionals state that prompt evacuation and thorough diagnosis of pets is essential. Board-certified veterinarians specializing in oncology perform these tasks with utmost efficiency.
As pet owner you should be aware about below-mentioned alternatives so that your pet will be able to get treatment as soon as possible. You will, therefore, have to take some time out and research so as to purchase pet insurance policy for your pet early on before the onset of any condition. This is because cancer treatments work out to be costly.

If you see that your pet dog has any lump or bump, especially one that slowly changes, you should immediately consult your vet. It is necessary to get any lumps found on your dog examined immediately as growths are not normal for felines and could lead to Pet Cancer. You will have to bear in mind that fatty lumps are common on dog's trunk, and so benign growth may not be Pet Cancer, but if you see anything unusual, you should immediately schedule an appointment with your vet.

The reason for this is that your pet dog can have an array of symptoms associated with cancer. It may even keep you wondering as to what does dog insurance cover? You should, therefore,contact your pet insurance company if you have questions about your dog or cat insurance plans.If your vet confirms that your pet has Pet Cancer, you will have to find out as to what type of cancer it is because pet insurance coverage and treatment options may vary from company to company.

Treatment Options

Aspiration And Diagnosis of Fatty Lumps: On discovering lump or bump, the vet willdetermine whether it is cancerous, which is done by inserting fine needle aspirate of mass on an outpatient visit and sedation will not be necessary. If the lump is only fatty mass, it can be monitored; however, if the lump is very large, surgery will probably be recommended.

Holistic Options: There are many pet insurance plans that will offer partial coverage for holistic services like acupuncture so as to reduce pain and improve the pet's immune system. However, you will need to check with the insurance company before you sign up on this plan.

Chemotherapy: With regards to Pet Cancer, chemotherapy treatment will only be able to extend the lives of pets with cancer. Animals with chemotherapy will have fewer side effects. They will have less hair loss than humans.

If your pet is diagnosed with cancer, you need not be discouraged. With the help of new diagnostics methods, they are able to detect animal cancer earlier. This can mean better success rates and fewer side effects for your darling pet dog. To read more Click Here

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Brief Look Into The Symptoms And Treatment of Dog Cancer

Most of you may have the notion that only human beings are susceptible to cancer. However, the truth is that even animals may fall victim to the disease. It has been experienced and proved that dogs are as vulnerable to cancer as human beings. If you are a pet owner, you must make sure that your dog is not showing early symptoms of Dog Cancer. Though canines are susceptible to cancer just like human beings, but cancer may metastasize at much higher rate than a human being. You must consult a proficient veterinarian if you notice early symptoms of the disease.
Signs And Symptoms

As a dog owner, you must have the knowledge about the initial symptoms of Dog Cancer. Your pooch can be cured, if you look for the early symptoms of the ailment. You must make sure that cancer is treated in the early stages to avoid hustle. If you ignore the early signs of the onset of cancer in dogs, the disease may aggravate drastically and can even prove to be fatal in certain scenarios. The most common symptoms are foul breath, an obnoxious smell from the muzzle and nose. You need to be aware at all times to avoid me tantalization of cancer. This is essential and if you are unable to understand the complexities of cancer terms, it is best to discuss it with your vet.

Physical And Psychological Aspects

There are a few aspects associated with the diagnosis and treatment of Dog Cancer. Even the mention of this disease sends shivers down the spine of pet owners. The psychological aspects include the anxiety and trauma for both pet and pet owner. It is rather important to maintain vigilance to ensure that your pet is not showing any symptoms of cancer. There are certain physical attributes of the onset of cancer. So, it is imperative to examine your pet dog once in a while and make sure that there are no symptoms. Regular examinations will help you to realize any symptom at its infancy stage. Thus, early treatment will save your dog from being a cancer victim. From chemotherapy to radiation, the vet will do everything to make sure that your pet gets well soon.

Diagnosis And Treatment

Proper and early examination helps you to seek treatment at the earliest stage. Thus, early diagnosis prevents the aggravation of cancer. You must not ignore any lump on your pet dog’s body. All lumps are not necessarily cancerous. However, a prompt examination ensures the prevention. Now, if you see that your pet has injuries but are not healing, it needs medical attention. If the dog shows a lack of interest in eating, or has trouble while urination or defecation may be the early stages of cancer. Passing of blood, loss of weight and fatigue has also been seen with Dog Cancer. If your pet is showing any of the symptoms, call your vet immediately. To read more Click Here

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Resources For Animal Cancer To Keep You Well Informed

As a pet owner, chances are that your pet might likewise be impacted. You should be aware of there are resources that will help you stay educated, in case your dog is diagnosed with the dreaded disease. In this situation, taking choices that are compassionate is, in addition, essential so that your dog can stay more healthy and happier for quite a while to come.
It is the nightmare of every dog owner. This is a stark reality for lots of people. Dog Cancer occurs both in pure breeds and mixed breeds. Moreover, a dog can be affected by the cancer at any age. Nevertheless, most commonly it occurs in older dogs partially because these dogs live longer due to veterinarian attention and enhanced nourishment. The cells in such dogs grow out of control and invade the surrounding tissues. In the course of time, the condition can spread locally or through the whole body.

Catching The Disorder At Early Periods:

In many instances, canine cancers could be treated with chemotherapy, immunotherapy, surgery, radiation, etc. However, the best thing would be to get the Animal Cancer in the early stages, long before it begins spreading. In fact, even veterinarians have the perspective that early detection is the key to successful treatment and healing. When your dog is least bothered you might discount the lump, but this is really something that you must not do. Sometimes, there are not any signs or symptoms that are visible but you might see dullness, loss of appetite, staggering and lethargy in the pet. This is a positive indication that all is not well with it. Furthermore, you can schedule routine check-ups with the vet even in the event the pet appears alright. This ensures the dog is not doing bad and additional attention is takes if it is diagnosed with an ailment.

Importance of Clarification:

Lumps can occur due to several reasons. Yet, it is important because lumps are often the first signals of Animal Cancer to get clarification. The lump will be investigated by a veterinarian and discover out whether it is cancerous. This in turn may also give you a total peace of mind. Thus, you should not overlook the importance of consulting with a vet on regular times, especially when you see a tumor  in your pet. To read more Click Here

Monday, 22 June 2015

Are All Canine Tumors Cancerous?

Canine tumors whether they are found to be benign or cancerous should be removed. Any vet is going to tell you that a benign tumor doesn’t need to be removed because it isn’t harming your pet in any way. This is true. But, if you are uncomfortable leaving it as it is, you can request to have it removed anyway. However, to be on the safe side the vet might like to conduct a few tests before giving a diagnosis.

In the end, it is your dog and so it is your choice. One of the reason dog owners recommend removing the tumor despite its lack of malignancy is because these types of tumors still come with a warning. A benign dog tumor can become infected and when this happens it is mandatory that you get your puppy on antibiotics as soon as possible. If the infection enters the blood stream your dog is at a higher risk of death. However, only in some conditions that is painful and untreated that the vet might ask for your dog to be put sleep. Even though it might be devastating, but seeing your pet suffers everyday can be worse. Talk about with your family and vet if the situation arises.

So, have you found a new growth on Fido’s back lately? If so, get it checked out by a vet as soon as possible. If your doctor gives you the diagnosis of benign, talk to him/her about removing it anyway. The vet is going to tell you it is okay to leave it as is. He/she will instruct you to keep an eye on these canine tumors and watch for any change. Has the bump grown? Is it red or mushy? Does your puppy seem to “mind” it now? If any of these things occur your vet will tell you to come in as soon as possible and he/she will remove it and put your dog on antibiotics. It will stave off the infection.

Why wait for your dog’s canine tumors to “change” into something bad. Remove it right away and you won’t have to worry about it. Yes, canine tumors can come back whether they are benign or not. In fact, you can bet on your dog developing more as he/she grows older. It may seem cruel to have them removed every time they develop. But, this is really the surest way to keep your puppy healthy.

Dog tumors can be scary whether or not they are benign. Be proactive about your dog’s health and taker him/her to the vet as soon as you find a bump that seems out-of-place, new, or from unknown origin. Doing this can give you peace of mind as well as keep your dog as healthy as possible. If they are cancerous, the sooner you find this out the sooner you can start treatment. Click here to read more

Friday, 19 June 2015

Understanding The Symptoms of Pet Cancer And Treatment

Pet-lovers and pet owners in many cases are not aware of the severity of their pets' health problems. Dogs would be the most common animals, and they might suffer from severe health difficulties. It's very important to provide focus on any indication from becoming worse, so that the issue might be stopped. Among the most significant health issues is pet cancer. It's undoubtedly a critical illness each year also many pets affect. In most cases, dogs get medical support when it's too late and the symptoms are beyond therapy. Symptoms are often not detected except the disease become chronic or reaches an advanced stage.

Detecting Symptoms Early:

Once your pet also becomes the victim of cancer, you never know. Dogs are not as invulnerable as people to diseases like cancer. Like a dog owner, ensure that you're aware of the symptoms of dog cancer so you may recognize the symptoms and get immediate medical support. There are several common symptoms that you need to not overlook.

• Rapid weight loss is one of many main indicators. In such a scenario, you should consult with a vet in the most early.

• If your dog Won't consume food or takes irregularly, obtain it tested.
Swelling to the body that is dog’s or

 • A mass can be a matter of serious matter.

Complete Analysis:

He'll check the signals inside your dog, when you consult a vet. He'll then inform you the precise problem. Make certain that you follow the assistance. The vet will suggest a course of remedy for puppy cancer in line with the significance of the situation. Provide your pet a healthier diet as a way to support the immune system. Often, the vet as well as the puppy oncologist could even advise one to present your puppy a dose of natural dietary supplement beneficial for the assistance of the defense mechanisms. These products typically comprise of medical herbs which might be enriched with normal anti oxidants.

Variation In Cancers:

Just like humans, perhaps dogs may encounter various kinds of cancers. Based on the variety and situation of pet cancer, the therapy options also change. The vet will advise the perfect treatment options. Occasionally, your puppy might also must undertake chemotherapy treatments. If you consult with with a good vet there's nothing to worry because your vet may create an original treatment plan designed to the condition of the puppy together with based on the indicators, disposition and progression of the illness.

Surgical Procedure Option:

Removing the malignant tumors totally might be tough in these situations where the cancer has spread to differing of the human body, although surgery is usually considered to be a beneficial remedy. There are many components that may influence the surgery in dog cancer. The positioning of the typical health of one's puppy the competent dog cancer along with the stage of cancer are some of the crucial components that determine the achievement of the surgery. Aside from surgery and chemotherapy, you can find radiation therapies and also several medications that may generally preserve the problem under control. For more information visit here CVS Angel Care